17/10/13 04:06


・ハンガリー鉄道で乗車券予約購入の場合、取扱い駅(Ticket collection points)で乗車券と引換が必要。(e-ticketではない)。無札乗車は罰金。
Passengers travelling without a collected ticket must purchase a new ticket on board and pay penalty.
 1. If you only want to embark on a return journey, buy a return ticket for a given destination
A return ticket is worth buying for those who make a journey to a given location and return, and do not plan any other journey. (Passengers wishing to roam in Europe or in the vicinity of the given destination, should find out about our rail passes.)
It is good to know that the following are also international return journeys,
•if the outward and return journeys take place on different routes,
•if the return journey does not start from the destination, but from another station
•if the passenger does not return to the station where he departed from.
For example, the following are international return journeys:
Outward journey: Budapest – Stúrovo – Bratislava
Return journey: Kosice – Hidasnémeti – Budapest
1. 1. Return ticket price reductions on the railways of Central-Eastern Europe
MÁV-START has agreed with several railway companies of Central and Eastern Europe that a big discount from the normal international ticket price is given in the case of a return journey. (Example: one can make a return journey to Romania with a 50% discount.)
Have a nice trip!

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